Chariho students deserve a School Committee that puts their needs first. I am a proud Chariho resident and public servant. I was previously elected to the Chariho School Committee and Charlestown Town Council. I was also appointed to the Chariho Building Committee by the Hopkinton Town Council.I will fight for our students and represent our Hopkinton community on the Chariho School Committee.
All students all the time
An Advocate for ALL Students
All students have a right to an inclusive learning environment. It takes a village to teach children to embrace differences and reject bullying of any kind. Hatred and bigotry has no place in our schools. As a member of the Chariho School Committee I will always put our students and their learning opportunities first.
invest in Chariho
Pro Public Schools
I believe in the public school system as the core of our community, and our country. An investment in public education is an investment in our future that benefits all generations. Chariho students deserve an advocate in their corner, and I will always put our students and their access to learning opportunities first.
Your tax dollars at work
Fiscal Transparency
The Chariho School Committee provides a yearly budget process that gives Hopkinton residents the transparency they deserve when it comes to how their tax dollars are being spent to support our schools. I am committed to increased transparency, understanding, and fiscal responsibility when it comes to the school budget. I understand that property taxes can be difficult to pay, especially when our Town leaders have failed to prioritize sustainable economic growth that would supplement the tax base for generations.
Fight Back for Chariho
Protect our Schools
Over the last few years, local government in Chariho has experienced outside influence from special interests like The Gaspee Project, Parents United, and other groups that claim to defend "parent's rights" but actively diminish the rights of students, especially those without majority power in the student population. The public forum at School Committee meetings have been used as a stage with a microphone for certain actors who use buzz words to incite fear without evidence to back up their claims. They exploit financial concerns to build their case against our successful schools. Meanwhile, the actual agendas of School Committee Meetings have proceeded with respectful dialogue and many unanimous decisions, despite a variety of perspectives.Some members have been acting in bad faith, and just waiting for a majority to enact their true agenda that prioritizes special interests over the public good.This election is a cross-roads that will decide if the School Committee is controlled by a pro-Chariho majority, or a majority of insurgents who want to commandeer the budget so they can cut the salaries and benefits of the staff, and decrease services to students.The Choice is Clear
Parents or Political Operatives
Representatives or Dictators
Support Public Education or Discredit Teachers
Provide Information or Manipulate Disinformation